we got life!

So, let’s make the most of it 🙌
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living ain’t easy!

feelings are hard

They can be tricky to understand, share with others and even just accept in the first place!

decisions, decisions

The “right thing” is different for all of us! And, when the pressure is on, it’s easy to make bad choices

we can’t do it all alone

We need friends, support and to be on the same team to make our world the best it can be…

lifeing gives us all our best shot at a full life!

Keep scrolling to see how it works 👇

share feelings easily!

Check-in using our simple slider. Go deeper by tagging a mood, what you’re up to or a note

know what you need

Spot patterns in your feelings so you can make better choices for your life every single time!

we’re never alone!

Check in with the Lifeing community and set up private groups for your friends, school, organisation or club

Are you a parent, teacher, health or social worker?

lifeing makes it easier than ever to care for others

we see a world where

our wellbeing comes 1st!

Lifeing gives us the power to track how the world feels in realtime 🌟

i don’t want kids to suffer the way i did when i was younger...

- George Taktak, Founder of Lifeing

“Watch the first time I presented Lifeing!”

Don’t get jealous,