your community!

Are you part of a school, club, organization or group? Use Lifeing to get them the support they really need! 👫

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supported by people at

you can’t improve people’s wellbeing with blunt tools!

Wellbeing surveys are just not engaging and delay your ability to respond.

Support is often hard to find and standardised so it only helps a few people; if anyone…

understand & improve your community’s wellbeing, continuously!

3 Core Features of Lifeing Communities

continuous check-ins 🥰

Encourage each other to make wellbeing a priority! See how many people have checked in each day and understand how feelings change

custom toolkit 🛠️

Create a single hub of tools and resources for your community’s unique needs that can be easily personalised, navigated and utilised by everyone

suggestions box ✨

We don’t know what we don’t know! Lifeing’s open suggestion box takes out the guesswork, allowing people to share at anytime what would truly help them

sign up for your very own lifeing community!

Book a time to chat with us using the form below